Practice Good Work Culture

 Dear Entrepreneurs/Employers,

If you do not have enough capacity to start up a business and employ people, please start small and do it alone. When your financial base is strong you can employ the amount of people you will be able to pay.

Owing clients and staff will discredit you and sometimes it  will make you feel depressed, frustrated, sad and angry with life.

For every business to grow rapidly everyone one needs to be happy. Put a good managing team in place, a conducive working environment and other small benefits aside monthly salary.

If you treat your workers right, they will treat your customers well and business will keep growing. Pay your workers on time, organise professional training for skill development with item "7" and see how well your business will grow.  

Money is also one of the biggest motivations, sadly some employers don't pay on time and some enjoy owing workers and that is bad for any business growth.

Organise fun-time out, after working hours on a Friday or any week day for your staff once in a while, make payment provisions for them to go see a movie together in the cinema or any sort of hang out.

Create a culture to celebrate your workers on their Birthdays, Anniversary and so on. Make the workplace Serious, Productive and Fun.

Have A Splendid Weekend.


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