Interview Tips

The reason most people fail job interviews is not because they are not employable. Most times we are defeated in our minds before the interview, that we may not be qualified or good enough to work in such organization.

Mind battle is a serious war to conquer, sometimes we get into the interview hall with all our family and life problems on our minds which can distract the mind and reduce self esteem .

Before you enter any interview room put down all that stress and worries at the door, if you feel tensed go to the rest room and ease yourself. Sometimes drinking of water can also help to ease tension.

If you are feeling cold while the AC is on when being interviewed, politely ask the interviewer to reduce the AC or switch it off. When the AC is on it makes your voice shaky and makes you lack confidence.

Don't skip breakfast, eat before leaving the house. This works perfectly for me, whenever I skip breakfast and go for a meeting I tend not to give in my best shot.

Also in the process of meeting and interviewing people I have noticed that people are not always at their best when they are hungry.

Get to the interview venue on time to relax and breath, it helps to ease mind stress.  If you get to an interview late you will be destabilised.

Best of Luck. 👍👍👍

Photo Credit: Google.


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