Define Your Relationship

Before you start creating bonds, developing feelings  and absorbing energies, you should clearly state what you are looking for in that relationship.

So many people are fond of catching feelings before knowing the actual intent of their partner and that's the reason for many toxic behaviors and heart breaks in relationships.

Friendship is key before bonding, normalize knowing people's actual intent before sleeping with them, it will help you not to feel horrible when things go sour.

As a lady know the man's long term decision before deciding to give him husband privileges. Also as a lady if you are not a graduate, you don't have any skill, or you are not into any business that is producing a source of income; you have no business with marriage.

As a man searching for a life partner, look out for your spec, if you love a fat woman go for her, don't go for a slim lady and force her to get fat. Also if you don't have any source of income , you should get one.

There are so many things to do to earn a living but most times we want to measure up with society standards. Not everyone will get a white collar job, so do whatsoever that can generate you a source of livelihood, you owe nobody an explanation.

Plan your life, relationship is not business, avoid taking unnecessary risk, once you notice any red flag, sit and communicate about it, if the other person is not willing to change then take a bow.


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