Are you a TIGER or a Farm Dogg?  My mentor and business partner always ask people this question to test their reasoning and analytical ability.

A farm dog sits on the floor and gets fed with whatever is given to it and gets put down when no longer of any use, but a Tiger fears nothing. It hunts and eats whatever it wants to eat, when it wants. 

Based on observation  a lot of youth are comfortable being a farm dog than a tiger, especially here in Nigeria, some prefer to work and get paid 30k than to start up something and earn 70k a month.

We like to go with the trend "I am working for so so so" (big names). Forgetting that it's not about what you do, but the value you add to your life.

Not everyone will have the opportunity to work with the biggest brands in Nigeria, if you have been seeking for opportunities for too long and it's not coming forth start up something.

Don't give up on your dream, keep searching but don't stay idle, depending on people for survival is not wise. People get tired eventually when you keep asking all the time.

Sometimes you will fail but you to have to pick yourself back up, build the mindset of a winner, be a winner.


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