Mental Health Care.

Depression is real and in this era of digital technology, the high rate of depression is massive due to social media's high standards of living from celebrities and politicians.

Mental health struggle has been a serious mind battle many young people are battling because they fail to face reality about life. Many are desperate for success and not determined for success, they do not want to work for success they just want it to appear magically.

Success does not happen overnight, it takes process, time, and season. Many young people fail to understand that most of the lives people show off on social media are fake and not their real-life struggle. Peer pressure has made a lot of people commit suicide, do drugs, live recklessly, involve in fraud and illegal businesses.

As an individual, the best you can do for yourself is to stop comparing your life or measuring your success with that of your friends, celebrities, and politicians. This will help your mental health.

It is good to sometimes take a break from societal and work stress, go on a road trip with peeps with good vibes and positive energy, travel to beautiful places filled with nature, take beautiful pictures for memory. Take time to enjoy peace. 

Protect and take care of your mental health, stay away from people or situations that can drain your happiness and serenity.


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