Carrot Oil Skin Care.

If you do not take good care of your skin it will wrinkle, damage, and crack. There are lots of chemicals people are using in recent times which are harmful to their skin all in the name of looking good. Looking good is good business but ensure you apply natural moisturiser to make your skin look better.

There are many natural ways to maintain your skin and still look good without applying harmful chemicals on your skin.
1. Eating Vegetables and Fruits.
2. Avoid using hot water all the time.
3. Bath regularly.
4. Moisturise with oil.

In this article, I will be sharing how to moisturise the skin with carrot oil and how to make it.


Get a bowl of carrot, wash and clean, cut into tiny pieces and blend with a little rose water. After blending get a clean white cloth and sieve the residual out. Put in an airtight container and add some natural coconut oil and position it in the sun for it to incorporate. When all items are properly incorporated you can begin to apply the carrot oil to your skin. After bathing, allow your skin to be a little bit damp and apply the carrot oil and see how beautiful your skin texture will feel.

Do this morning and night.

Photo Credit: Content101 

Article by: Joy Nkiruka.


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