Develop Your Soft Skills

The reason you have not secured a job yet, is not because you are not qualified, it might be you not being employable .

A lot of people are unemployed because they lack Employability skills. Recruiters get to see your CV before they decide to meet with you. In Nigeria where to find a good job is like a trophy, you have to stand out to be given that opportunity you seek, because over 100 people are fighting for that same spot.

If you are applying for a job in 2018 and you are using a CV of 2014, you may lose out on that opportunity no matter your qualifications for the job position. I have helped some people rewrite their CVs after sending it to me to help them with job opportunity, at first i was worried but I got to understand that people are limited to information.

I know not everyone have the finance to enroll for employability training, but we can also gain some knowledge from the internet by doing little research.

Recruiters get more than 100 CVs when a job advertisement is placed, your CV and well crafted Cover letter will determine if you will be given an opportunity or not.

In Nigeria recruiters don't care if you have a First Class or not, your presentation skills matters, brands are looking for people with skills and not just degree qualifications. Develop your soft skills in this generation it counts.

When some job seekers are called for interview, they dress shabbily looking broke and desperate. Some organisation takes advantage of this, while others will let go and search for the right candidate. Life is not easy but always look presentable.

Looking good is good business. Ladies dress properly, if you're the type that don't do the normal professional makeup, apply a little powder on your face with lip gloss.

Please do not go to an interview with a 2months synthetic hair on your head, if you are cash strap; wash, comb and oil your natural hair.

Men if you don't want to get a hair cut, neatly comb your hair, iron your shirts and tuck in like a gentleman. Smell good and look good.

Groom yourself, enroll for employability training skills, attend job fair, keep searching your desired job is on the way. .


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