Married To A She Devil

There is a saying "be careful who you give your heart to, the fact that they are like candy in your eyes they can also be poison to your soul".

One faithful afternoon I had a dream, in this dream i was given a number, i memorized it when i woke up i called the number and behold it was a female's voice who received the call. I was scared because I don't know what to say, i quickly introduce myself "Please my name is Michael i am into real estate i live and work in Abuja"  quickly she replied in a soft voice, so how may I help you?
She asked . I told her she won't believe how i got her number that i got it from my dream. She busted into a serious laugh, i began to feel bad and stupid at the same time, so i told her not to bother we will talk some other time, she quickly apologized for making fun of me and she told me  that she will not believe me until I tell her the truth how i got her number. I explained more in details.

We got talking, conversations kept getting better everyday and we decided to meet. She was in the east while i stay in the north, we made arrangements to meet which we eventually did. I traveled to the east for a business meeting after the meeting i asked her to meet me up in an hotel, she came, we ate, drank and made out.

After a while i heard a voice asking me why did i have to put a ring on a pig, i stood wondering which pig i gave a ring to wear, little did i know that i have made the worst mistake of my life. After 2months Rita called me to tell me she was pregnant, i was shocked it was my first time, just once how can that be possible?  I asked myself.

I told my brothers and family members, we went to see her family and later got married. My ex wife is beautiful, dark in complexion 5'7ft tall and from a very rich family.  Few months after we got married while she was still carrying our baby, I discovered that she was still seeing her ex, when i will make business trips ,she invites him over to our house.

After the delivery of our first child , i lost my eldest brother, after traveling to the village for his burial arrangements, i left that very day, my phone was dead, i could not call my wife to tell her that i was coming home. I got home very late, I did not want to knock on the gate so that I won't disturb my neighbors, i jumped the fence, went to our bedroom window to call her to come open the door for me.

 Behold I was shocked when i saw my wife doing a naked video with another man on the internet, i could not feel my legs, i managed to walk to the door, i knocked, she came to the door shouting "who is that" i  couldn't catch my breath but i managed to call out my name, she opened the door with huge shock written all over her face, we greeted, i could not talk, eat, or even take my bath, i was just laying on the bed like a log, the night was so long i could not sleep, i was thinking about my late brother at the same time my adulterous wife.

My brother was later buried, i did not confront her, i left her to keep playing her games, which she kept on playing with different men. I did not want to leave my marriage because i do not want my family members to mock me or the church to use me as an example. My family warned me not to marry from her tribe, church suspend me when they found out i married her with  pregnancy, all that too many dramas i was trying to avoid eventually happened.

I stopped touching her until one day she planned a surprise party for me and asked me to forgive her, which i did. We made out, she got pregnant and i said to myself this will be the last time. My business kept going down, things kept getting bad, she was still living her cheating life.

One day i made a decision to walk a way, it was on a Valentine's day, she brought one of her lovers to the house and both were kissing in the car, right in my presence. The next day i asked for a divorce, and she told me she won't be leaving until i  settle her with the sum of 20million Naira, I was happy at least she agreed to leave,  severally this woman has tried to poison my food, but all the time God came to my rescue.

I decided to stop eating in my house, i go out to buy food,  i stopped sleeping on the bed in my house because our rooms were linked and i can't lock the doors because of the kids, i  rather sleep in the toilet with my pillow on the floor so that this woman will not come and stab me or do something worse.

 I was trying to raise her money to settle her and go with my kids, at a point it was as if things were getting better all of a sudden things went so bad. I traveled for a business trip, before i got back all my properties were gone,  what i had left was my clothes, shoes and other few old stuffs. I came back home to meet an empty house, my gate man told me, she came with a big truck and pack the things in the house.

 I was shocked and devastated no one to turn to, but i was a bit relived that she was finally gone, instead of crying i was dancing, at this point i had a best friend, a confidant that was always there to talk to me and help me through my emotional problems with intelligent words of advice, if not, things might have been more terrible, I would have committed suicide and be history by now.

Men please be careful when you want to pick a wife, as a young person if you want to live long, wealthy and happy always pray for a good wife or good husband, when you have a good wife or husband you will have long life, wealth and happiness. Don't marry out of pity, mistake, status quo or sex. Marry when you are ready, mentally, spiritually, financially and  physically stable .

Written by Nkyjoye.


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