Right Person To Marry

Honestly there is no Manual on how to know the best person for you, you just know and with prayers you can get the best direction. The right manual to use is your brain and your heart. But there are few attributes to know  the right person for you . Forever is a long time to be miserable.

1. Understanding

There are no two ways about it, once the both of you can click and understand each other, your mind works together that is good , but when you have difficulties in understanding each other, the boat won't be an easy ride, you will find a lot of flaws, unnecessary arguments, tearing each other's throats its a sign that you are dealing with Mr/Mrs "Left" and not Mr/Mrs "Right". Some times you can disagree on somethings it's normal,  but in a case when its too much it's not too good. There should be high level of understanding between both partners.

2. Connection

This is a major key for any relationship to work, there must be a strong connection with the person you are in a relationship with, and if there is none , it's a problem. If there is no chemistry and all you have is just logic, no passion, it's a no! no!! no!!!.  Don't ever marry someone you are not sexually attracted to, or you find difficult to connect with.  If you try to find ways to connect and it's not working, have a discussion about it and work it out.

3. Communication

This is the major key to any good relationship, some people may think communication is when you call and text all day, yes that's part of it but that's not it. When you communicate properly with the person you are involve with, everything strikes, you get each other without making too much elaborations or deliberations your minds communicate with each other, you don't have to speak out, your partner already knows what's on your mind.

4. Commitment

Commitment is a very huge sacrifice to make in any relationship, in this our generation where people are hardly loyal, when you find a committed person, that's the real deal. Do what so ever it takes to keep making your relationship with that person work out. Some people can also fake to be committed to you, be careful.

5. Responsible

Being responsible doesn't have to do with you wearing descent clothes, or no make ups. We have cooperate prostitutes(runs girls) and cooperate criminals. Being responsible have to do with the way you live your life, the way you talk and act in public, the way u reach out to help others, the way you respect yourself and other people. If he/she is responsible that's the right deal.

6. Ambitious

A lazy man or woman, without prospects, is a time bomb. When thinking of keeping Mr right or Mrs Right your children's future should be paramount. Being a house husband or house wife is an insult to God when you have brains, from the time of creation God gave man work in the garden and woman to help him with his work.

Being lazy is different from lacking opportunities, if the person you are in a relationship with needs assistant to grow don't hesitate to help.

Article by Nkyjoye


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