Right Person To Marry

Honestly there is no Manual on how to know the best person for you, you just know and with prayers you can get the best direction. The right manual to use is your brain and your heart. But there are few attributes to know the right person for you . Forever is a long time to be miserable. 1. Understanding There are no two ways about it, once the both of you can click and understand each other, your mind works together that is good , but when you have difficulties in understanding each other, the boat won't be an easy ride, you will find a lot of flaws, unnecessary arguments, tearing each other's throats its a sign that you are dealing with Mr/Mrs "Left" and not Mr/Mrs "Right". Some times you can disagree on somethings it's normal, but in a case when its too much it's not too good. There should be high level of understanding between both partners. 2. Connection This is a major key for any relationship to work, there must be a strong conn...