Submissive Woman Happy Wife

The word submissive, can be referred to as being humble. But often, African men take the word to mean slavery, in the sense that a woman should be under them, do their biddings religiously without having any opinion or questions and it's wrong. A woman was taken from the ribs of a man to be by his side not from under his foot for him to trample on, or under his buttocks for him to sit on her head, the Bible part about a woman being submissive doesn't mean, she should not speak, sees wrongs, keeps quite and allow her husband face difficulties because she want him to feel respected or to feel like a man.
How To Be Submissive
Its not difficult, be Obedient to his plights, women should learn how not to talk recklessly, be polite, cultivate the habit of being humble, a submissive woman is a happy woman, not only your husband, everyone in your life will appreciate you, respect your man irrespective of how successful, intelligent or beautiful you are, there are other more beautiful and successful women, he might have come across in his life, but he choose you, acknowledge that fact.
Why A Woman Should Be Submissive
To have a blissful marriage, and a happy life you have to submit to your husband, make him feel like the man always, correct him in diplomatic manners when he is going astray , not with fights or arguments, truly some men are quite slow to understand somethings, you will argue or shout, before they understand but not in all cases, I know we women are controllers in nature, but please allow him to take the lead at all times.
Respect His Wish.
His friends are not your friends, respect his boundaries, his privacy, yes both of you are one, but you have different minds and different lives, give him space, cater to him, give him love, give him respect, give him a helping hand, stand by him in secret and in open, and listen to him talk without interrupting him, yeah sometimes he might not be making sense, just be a good listener.
Protect Your Home
Be nice to everyone around him, not everyone will like you, make sure you do the needful, don't judge him, don't complain too much about everything, somethings should be left unsaid, don't argue or quarrel with him in public or where your kids and any other family members are, no one needs to know your business, it's your lives together, no 3rd party is needed. Protect your home religiously.
Men Lead Rightly.
Your woman, will be submissive to you, not just because you buy her nice things or take care of her responsibilities, she will submit to you if you treat her right, show her love, respect and understanding, most men dont how to lead, that's why they feel their women are not being submissive.
Note she is your wife, best friend, mama, sister, and not your maid you can talk to or order around, you need anything? ask her nicely, not with commands or being too authoritative, anything you give to a woman she gives you double in return. Every woman can be submissive, depends on how you are LEADING.
Article by Nkyjoye
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