A Successful Life

The road to success is not easy, there are lot of speed bumps, called "Challenges " challenges are just normal way of life, humans have to go through this stages to get to their successful destination. I will be discussing briefly oh how to have a successful life. 1. How To Be Successful To be successful one has to be determined, focus, motivated, ambitious and ready. When you have all these desires burning inside of you, there is no limit to what you will accomplish in life. Any obstacle on your way will not matter until you get to the top of the success tree. 2. Who Is A Successful Person A successful person is one who set goals, shun obstacles and achieve them, also someone who breeds great ideas and work on them. Being rich, living in big houses and driving flashy cars, doesn't mean you are successful person, you are a successful person, only when you use your wealth and ideas to help and elevate others, its good to give back to give back to the society....