Why Do I Want To Get Married

"DIVORCE"  a very big word . Sometimes I ask myself why do people even get married,and eventually they will get tired of each other and go their separate ways.

This article is quite different from  every other article I have written on relationships. The way people go about this divorce issue these days is alarming and close family and friends being affected is stressing me out.


For the unmarried have you ever pondered and reason, why do I want to get married? Is it because my mates are doing it? Is it because I want to show off how beautiful I will look in that gorgeous  wedding dress? Is it just about my wedding ceremony? what about the life after all d merriment and glamour? Do I love this person enough? Do I know him/her enough? What if we hit the rock of life tomorrow can I stand by him/her? Can I do for better for worst with him/her? Are we compatible or meant to be, do we connect and understand each other better. This are few things we should always consider before flying into marriage.


I know most unmarried will not have this cross their minds, but this and more are the things we need to think and analyse ,before taking the bold step, marriage is not a competition or a race, take your time, plan your life, fall in love, understand each other better, understanding is the pillar of a good married life, love is good too but won't do much if you don't communicate properly or understand each other, love will spice up whatever relationship you have but understanding will keep it strong and glowing. 


For the unmarried men, when I say plan your life I don't mean you should take forever making a decision of choosing a good life partner. Some young men are so lucky to have a good woman, instead  they prefer or dream of  a trophy or furniture for a wife, when I mean "trophy or furniture" am referring to those ready made babes, flashy looking chics, that will just be a decoration in their house or show off to their friends, and later they will start regretting after dumping the right girl because she is too good or no fun.

know that when you marry the wrong woman you re finished. And some will even take forever looking for a perfect woman and end up with trouble. Please young unmarried men don't go out looking for a perfect woman until you yourself is perfect. Some men will be waiting for Dangote's daughter to come and ask their hand in marriage, go and make your own money, Dangote is a man like you, handle your responsibilities don't be a silver digger. Be a man.


For the unmarried women, i will always tell my friends be prayerful, a bad husband is worst than a bad wife, none of them is good though and  I don't wish any for anybody, but a man can re marry if he is married to a terrible person, he can have two wives also but a woman can't marry two husbands , our society frowns at it, it's either u live unhappy forever or you become a 2nd hand product in the marriage market. It's easy for men to marry a widow than a divorcee. So take your time, pray and wait for your own" Adam "don't go rushing and end up with someone else's husband because of age, or status quo.

One big mistakes ladies make these days is getting married for money or because their friends already have families or something else, marriage is way too far from all that, marriage is a serious business, for serious minded people, you face the good, bad and ugly. Before you start considering saying I do you need to be prepared, physically, spiritually and mentally, because you will have to face lots of pressure and pleasure and as a woman you hold the home but your hubby controls it so you need the help of God to help your hubby to be a good pilot. 

For the unmarried both male and female marriage is a long term deal, be careful, so that you won't make mistakes you will regret for the rest of you lives.  

Article By: Nkyjoye.


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