Relationship Issues Not To Discuss

1: Your Fights

Sure, there will be misunderstandings in your relationship and i understand that you need someone to talk to, or give you advice and make you feel better when you have squabbles with your spouse and that’s okay. But also you don't need to give out all the details of your quarrels . Your relationship is between you and your spouse and other people don’t need to be all up in your business. If you both are having issues take a time off, if you can't talk @ that moment. Then after sometime get yourself together and sort the whole thing out. Its ok to talk to one or two persons about issues but trust me they don't need to know.

2: Your Sex Life

Your sex life should be kept private and just between the both of you, its an intimate affair so it should be kept secret. Not just that it is really personal, it’s awkward to hear about it. Other people don’t need to know “how it is” or what turns him or her on! This is something that shouldn’t be shared with anyone, telling someone about your sex life can make your partner gain or lose respect from them, just Keep it to yourself.

3: His/Her Past Relationship

Nobody should know what you and your partner discussed in close doors about each others past, everything in the past should remain in the past. No one needs to know about it except the both of you , he/she may have trusted you enough to tell you about their past, so don't go about making it a topic of discussion with your friends. Your friends don’t need to know it’s irrelevant. Keep it between the both of you. 

4: Dont Compare

Don't ever compare your partner with an ex or someone else ,sometimes its okay to make comparison, but please keep it to yourself right inside your head. When you make comparison, you tend to make unrealistic expectations, and that can make the person valueless in the eyes of others and its not cool at all. 

5: Money Problems

Money they say is the root of all evil and money also is the first big deal breaker in most relationships and money can also do more harm than good. When some ladies noticed their man is not financially stable like he used too, they will start making lots of adjustment, and some ladies will even go out talking about their man's financial instability, which is wrong. Please ladies if your man is having money problems don't discuss it with your friends because most of us will see him as a liability, It’s not something your friends should know about. Sure, you can discuss your own money problems and other problems with your family and friends, but not about "HIS" money problems and others. No one should know about it keep it to yourselves.

6: Stop Complaining

Complaining to your friends all the time about your partner will result to less respect and regards, if you want your relationship to progress keep people's nose out of it, Stop complaining all the time . I get it sometimes, some of us can be very annoying, but instead of complaining to your family and friends ,just sit your partner down and iron issues out, you don't want people having negative opinion about him/ her, if you guys are having problems, pray about it and discuss about it maturely.

Article by: Nkyjoye


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