Talk To Someone

Suicide is bad no matter how difficult you think your life is you are doing better than billions of people on planet earth. It is selfish for any human to want to take his or her life. Not putting your family and friends into consideration the agony and pains they will have to go through is wrong. I read a post on twitter some days ago. A young man posted that he was told after school you will get a job and years after school he has not been able to secure a job, that life is too hard on him he wants to end his life. People were pleading with him to send his account details he kept on telling them not to worry he wants to die. At a point I thought it was a strategy to get peoples attention on a second thought it could be real because depression and mind battles can make people take irrational decisions. Getting a job is not the only means to put food on your table. Last month I saw on facebook a graduate from Ambros Ali University who sells food on wheel barrow to make a liv...